Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe - Utah Safe Company
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe
Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe

Browning Safes

Browning Medallion M49 Gun Safe

Sale price$7,099.00

For optimal gun safe features, the Medallion safe, specifically the M49, stands out. This wide safe ensures protection for up to 49 long guns against theft and fire, with ample space for your valuables and gear.

Unlike the M48, the M49 maintains the same width and long gun storage without requiring extra height for longer barrels. The lower height profile offers more placement options.

Designed akin to well-crafted furniture, the M49 adopts a wider bureau-like design instead of the typical "boxy" dimensions found in other safes (27" exterior depth). This design allows versatile placement without blocking interior space. The elegant and clean stylings of Medallion safes, including the M49, add style to any room rather than just occupying a corner.